lets see the last post was...31 july?!
thats more than 1 week. for that i apologise.
i'll do my best to post more often.
well yesterday got ndp at school.
kinda nice lah except we had a bad view of the parade.
got a damn big wall blocking our view. zz.
lucky we ncc air part A no need. xD part B onwards need hehe. =D
haha saw yanjie in bb suit. gay lah, join ncc better, more cool~
and we saw jeremy that chee bye. he just sucks.
say other people drills no good when his are no better.
anyway after the parade we went back to class for wad quiz.
everyone was practically doing our own stuff luhhs, ignoring mrs chia.
she see that no one listening then she ask us write our ans on paper lor. stupid lah.
lol i was passing around a piece of paper lah.
trevis also changed place with me, why?
crs wanted to help him put the tattoo on his forehead.
luckily i took a picture so thank me. its damn gay.
then later got what stupid performance lah.
the upper sec go hall then we in the foyer leh. UNFAIR lor.
i din care about that and went to the canteen to eat nahs. hehex. x)
well later we went to the foyer again cause nth to do.
watched the band perform. cool man. x)
then we went to class lah, the few of us.
no item was on so go back play card games.
sheng xiong taught me duel masters, lol.
confusing lah, last year play pokemon also more fun, agree?
dismissed at 11:30 but we 12 then go off.
went to buy bubble tea lah then went home.
ok photo time, 2 only nahs. )x
trevis's silly face.
lol this is the time where all the uniform grps do what yam-seng.
they were drinking soft drinks lah, i think.
<--ok end-->
btw tml im going amk hub watch movie + raiders.
know why i was passing the paper around? find out whose going mahhs.
hahahah tricked jeremy.
tml everyone going then we tell jeremy saturday.
who want him to tag along? he will just kpkb again.
he dont follow jiu good.
Tag at the tagboard worr ppl!!! ((:
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