Tuesday 13 October 2009

Yep my blog's been dead for days.
But now, it has risen back from the grave!

-Epic fail introduction-

Ok so today is finally officially the end of all exams in AMKSS.
And just so you know, I've got like two friends whose birthday is today so I'd like to shout out to them.

Happy Birthday Min Yi!

Wish you all the best in all future endeavours with Macus!

But things dont seem to be going well for you. I'll get to that in a second.

Happy Birthday Jenson/Hen Tai!

And stop touching me! (Or is it I touch him first? Ahhh it doesnt matter. LOL)

So like I said, things dont seem to be going well for the couple.
Reason :
(Click for better view)

Now thats so freaking obvious he's snuggling up to his old friend __(whathaveyou)__! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjGBEQCkBwjKb8JmctgW5axiWQ_wJT70Fg5fz11J3l-rhSWrkO275qVtLZKdgu_b2kEj0pxNnOGYyNxKzSJOMzwCFh7jRud7nmznpvdAOYpfj7Y8xleCoCtvO2fK3y8Jwyq0yQwu0D18Glg/s1600-h/2009+MTV+Video+Music+Awards+Show+Wz8vZT9dzcdl.jpg">

Aww jeez. That a**hole interrupts everything.

Anyway, I think I didnt do very well for the exams this time round. But it SHOULD be better than mid year.
Couple of activities lined up for the next few days/weeks and Im loving it.

Gonna end of here. I'll be posting a short joke at the end of all my posts since I've got like a ton of 'em in my Notepad.

A nine-year old boy goes into the grocery store,
grabs a box of tampons from the shelf and carries it to the register.
The cashier asks, "Oh, these must be for your mom, huh?"

"Nope," says the boy, "not for my mom."

The cashier responds, "Well, then they must be for your sister then?"

"Nope," says the boy, "not for my sister, neither."

The cashier is now curious, "Oh. Not for your mom
and not for your sister -- then who are they for?"

The nine-year-old says, "They're for my little brother.
They say on TV, if you wear one of these, you can swim and ride a bike,
and my little brother can't do either of those things."

K its updated.

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