Thursday 29 October 2009

Whats happening forum.

Recently, I lost the blogging blues.
And the plurking blues.

Feel like ripping it off my blog cos I hate to see the karma drop day by day >_>
Argh I'll just rip it off now.

-Fiddles with template-

Today's supposedly the last SCHOOL day.
But there are extra lessons for two weeks starting from next week.

Almost a year has passed. Aint it fast?
I still remember getting my streaming results last year and now Im complaining about Conquer O next week.

Next year at this time we would be studying our asses off, while others are enjoying.

Not forgetting we have O level chinese on the 10th and Physics SPA on the 5th.
Friggin worried but dont know what to do about it !_!


Post exam activities ,not counting the dance, were fine. Sadly I screwed up bowling.

K Im done.

A blonde goes to an office party and wins a thermos.
The blonde asks a co-worker, "What does it do?"
He says it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.

The next day the blonde goes to work after filling her thermos with ice cream and tea.

Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys for being stupid.
Their favorite joke is to offer Johnny his choice between a nickel and a
dime -- Little Johnny always takes the nickel.

One day, after Johnny takes the nickel, a neighbor man takes him aside and says,
"Johnny, those boys are making fun of you. Don't you know that a dime is worth
more than a nickel, even though the nickel's bigger?"

Johnny grins and says, "Well, if I took the dime, they'd stop doing it, and
so far I've made $20!"

Tag leh.

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