Monday 11 May 2009

Long live Geography, Maths and Science!

Hopefully by saying that, ancient Geographers, Mathemagicians and Scientists would bless me with their respective holy touches. LOL.

Left 2 more Chapters of Geog to go. D:

But Im proud of myself since I managed to cover lots of it today. Maybe its because Im in the study mood now. (:<

Havent even touched Biology. I think I'll just have to do last minute cramming tomorrow. T_T

But I shall persist! (What can we do other than persisting? -.-)
1 more week and its done.

I woke up at 8 today to study and my younger siblings woke up at 8 to play. So imagine yourself in your room, trying hard to concentrate on your notes. Then occasionally, you get interrupted due to your siblings' laughter. Write a story of about 500 - 1000 words, describing about what you felt when you were interrupted.

LOL no ignore the back part. Yeah just imagine the scene.

But I think the worst one would be my older brother.
Next week, on the 18th of May 2009, most Amksians would be freed from the devil's grasp and would be free to roam about and do their heart's desire.
Sadly, right on that day as well, my brother's MYE would be just starting.

Kay enough said. Time to finish this!

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