Friday, 15 May 2009

Way to go man. Today's already Friday and we only have 1 more paper on monday!

We better cherish this year because once we go sec 4, I think we'll have EVEN MORE papers. Then ended up like this year sec 4, Monday got 2 papers while we have 1.

I think I didnt really put in much effort for this exam. I'll be satisfied to even just maintain my level position. Dont even dare to think of getting below 80 man.

Kay I didnt study hard enough for Chem. (HENGLING KNOWS THIS. ARGHH.)
And funny eh. All the papers I sat for so far, usually only about 1-3 people ask the setter questions.

Then today, so many people were raising their hands. LOL.
From this, I can infer know what. (LOL.)

Hmm. I'll enjoy the rest of today.

Study hard, Play hard, Feed hard!

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