Monday 26 January 2009

Hmm, I know its odd for someone to be blogging at this time.
But hey, its Chinese New Year! (:

Come on, we deserve some fun and freedom dont we.

Had my reunion dinner just now.
And miraculously, I managed to get a copy of Friday's Straits Times even though I forgot to buy it on that day.
I got that from my 2nd uncle ;D

Lol I think he's a funny guy.
Just now while we were eating, he kept joking about stuff and I was trying my best not to open my mouth as it was full of food.
Eww you're disgusting. Of course I managed to keep it closed >:O

I laughed till my jaws hurt. LOL.
I found out I only have a pathetic height of 163cm D:<
I swear I'll start drinking more milk to quicken the pace to 170 (:

Well I havent started out on the homework, who in the world would feel like doing it at a time like this?

Hopefully even though our economy doesnt look too good now, we'll still receive our red packets with truckloads of money inside them >:D
Omg Im a money freak $_$ ch-ching.

Havent got much to blog about for this post since I've got lots of feelings inside me that I dont wish to blog about anymore.


Maybe there's also some "fail" aura about this picture.

I tried uploading it 3 times and only the 4th time it was successful. O_O

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