Thursday 9 April 2009

The End of the World in 21st December, 2012?

Have you ever wondered when everything comes to an end?
When the whole earth just burn and die?
The end of days?

Whenever there is a start, there would be an end.

Well some of you may, in one way or another, have come to know of this.. somehow religious and popular date.
It has been brought up a few times in some popular forums.

As the title says, it is said to be the last day for humans.
It is the day when everyone will die.

Initially, I saw a thread concerning this on Basilmarket, a popular MapleStory forum. When I saw this, the first thing that I thought of was.. "Ok its just some bored-out-of-their-minds fools trying to attract attention and get themselves banned."

After that incident, I almost forgot about the historic date.

Until today.
Like my daily habit, Im surfing The Electric New Paper on the web.
Then something caught my eye.
It read "SPACE WEATHER: A solar storm coming? Space scientists warn of possible disaster in three years' time".

(Here's the link to the article. Read it to understand what Im saying more easily.)
Then I counted, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. 2012? That sounds familiar.
I read on.. " A GRIM prediction of a world teetering on the edge of apocalypse has come, not from the lips of soothsayers or lunatics, but from space scientists. A solar storm - essentially plasma balls spewing from the surface of the sun - can distort the Earth's magnetic field.

A particularly big one can destroy the tens of thousands of expensive and hard-to-build transformers in power grids worldwide.

In the first moments of this catastrophe, trains will collide and planes will crash, as their communications systems fail.

Satellites will crash back to Earth like meteors.

Hospitals, with their life-sustaining support systems, will see some of the most urgent needs at first.

But eventually, millions may die from hunger and thirst.

With no power, food cannot be processed or delivered. Water cannot be pumped from reservoirs into homes.

Back-up generators will help, but only for a few days before their fuel runs out.

As sewage systems fail, diseases will break out.

Horses will replace cars, the financial system will collapse and, in a silver lining of sorts, there will certainly be no more e-mails for you to clear."

Sounds like a catastrophe no?
Well then check these out.

The above picture is from this web. There are several more pages for this report.

I know it seems funny but... dont you just find it odd?
The Mayan calendar ends on 21st dec 2012, scientists have already start to predict a solar storm in 2012, the date of that day would be 21 12 2012..
Everything seems to coincide with each other.

Still having doubts?
Simple google or yahoo "end of world?" or "2012" or similar phrases and you will get at least 300,000 hits.

In 2012, we would be about 18 years old.
Oh man, I want to learn how to drive like my cousin D:
(he's 20 and he just got his car on monday)

Some people have already started to prepare for this disaster.
What do you think? Would you prepare yourselves for this disaster?
Or are you skeptical of what everyone says and thinks otherwise?

I know it still sounds unbelievable.
Like some kind of scene straight out of a Hollywood movie right.
Some examples.. War of the Worlds, the latest one.. Knowing..

Who knows. Maybe the storm may just miraculously bounce off the magnetic fields of Earth as stated in the article.

And I shall end off with a nice picture.

... so what? Its just another normal kitty.
Well actually Im not a cat-lover and I dont usually pay attention to cats.
I prefer dogs more on the whole ^O^

But if you're sharp enough, you may be able to see that the kitten actually has a heart-shaped patch of fur on this body.
Coolio right?

The above picture is from this web. I think you may want to take a look at this web. It has lots of pictures of STRANGE animals. Pretty interesting.

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