Sunday 12 April 2009

I know its really strange for me to be blogging at this hour, but thats because my memory is still fresh.

Yeah, I think I've not finished harping on my last topic.

I was watching the movie, Knowing, just minutes ago and during the last part of the show.
It was talking about a Solar Storm, the one we can expect in possible 3 years time.

I heard something Nicholas Cage was saying and it caught my attention right away.
It went like " A superflare from the Sun. Just one of it and it is enough to destroy our ozone layer. "

In case you want to get a clearer picture of whats expected to take place, watch the last part of the movie. Maybe trying googling "solar storm part of knowing" ..? I dont know, you guys should be pretty tech-savvy I assume.

Anyway back to the subject.
What they showed was really horrifying. It reminded me of what scientists said that made dinosaurs extinct, fire balls.
Except that in this case, its much worst. Seriously.
It looked like one big wave of flames ripping through cities. (PS was too engrossed to get a SS)
I doubt anything would be able to survive that. Can say its a fire-tsunami.

The animation that they showed of the sun's superflare was still ok. You know on the surface of the sun right, got those flame like things.

That was what showed on their screen initially.

Then, to show the effect of the superflare, the flames went like..

The worst thing about this was..

Earth was well within the superflare's reach ._.

Okok I'll stop here. I think some are even finding me nagging on this issure already.

But after watching it, I think Im starting to kind of fear that that day would come.

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