Wednesday 11 March 2009

Edited. Lazy to post so I'll do it this way.

1. I did the dumbest thing ever today. I didnt bring my PE shorts except for my shirt today.
How it happened :
I wore my pe shorts the moment I woke up before going to wash up since I usually wear my uniform over it. Then after washing up, I took it off, thinking that it was a pair of home shorts. And then I wore my long pants. ._. Hmph. I think that pair of shorts would call me “吃饱没事做”if it had a mouth.

2. The rounded potato spared me today as he thought I was with Ah Heng and Huan who have an activity in the afternoon.

3. Jethro was really irritating today when he sat beside me during Chem's SSRP while doing maths. He was singing and then boasting that his maths was better than mine.

4. Finished up quite a lot of Maths homework during the SSRP and surprisingly, majority of the class were doing homework.

5. Geography was EPICNESS today. Heh LOL. Someone kept scratching while presenting. Ask Vince or Gary and they'll tell you the whole story.

6. Getting back results slip tomorrow. >:)

7. My nose and throat is much better today. (:

8. Huan was super selfish. She brought down her maths stuff to do during PE today. She was only doing the Modulus worksheet and wasnt using her textbook. Being the studious guy I am, I took her textbook and was about to start working on some Maths while she was talking.
Hmph. She took it back from me afterwards. D: AND SHE WASNT EVEN USING IT. ARGH.

9. Today after PE was English. Im not sure about what happened but it went something like this. I told her we've got 2 periods of SSRP for Chemistry since Miss Lee was absent. Then she said " thats good. ...uh no I mean.. I need to give you your result slips."


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