Friday, 13 March 2009

One term has passed.

Thats good.
But its also bad as we're really overwhelmed by the tonnes of homework.

Rochelle sounded envious when she said to me yesterday outside school gate after school, "不懂某人拿几个A1 ah?"
Me : 四个 eh!

Heh. Family Day tomorrow.
Hopefully we'll be able to bowl after that. Go 22 monkehs!

Ahh. Theres something wrong with my Bio marks! Its supposed to be 68/100 instead of 64/100!
But nevermind, I cant be bothered as even if it was changed, my overall for combined sciences would still be a mere A2. D:

Hmm. I think there are really lots of crazy people in Ang Mo Kio.
Today, I saw that $2 tomboy pestering people for $2 again.

Sadly, one kind young malay man gave her $2. D:
Singaporeans' kindness are being taken advantage of.

The thing is, if I were him I'd be fuming mad. But he wasnt.
He gave me the comical "LOL WTF?" look even after she requested more $$ from him.

Right after that, I saw one weird guy. Not that he went round bugging people for money, his walking style was totally strange.
Its like seeing those soldiers during NDP marching.

Last school day of Term 1.
Ugh. Its THAT exaggerated.

The number of crazy people in Ang Mo Kio is just staggering.

Sadly, James cant play Sudden Attack with me later.
And I suggested a way to tempt him.

*rings up James*
*James picks up*
James : Hello?
*puts phone next to speaker*
*turns on speakers to maximum and start playing Sudden Attack*
James : OMGSUDDENTATTACK! *%^#!@*#*#$$*

He was at a loss for words when I told him that. LOL.
Actually this plan lacks originality. I picked it up from the Coke advertisement.
Yeah. The one where the guy tempts the other guy by letting him hear him drinking coke over the phone. And he ends off with an exaggerated "ahhhhh."

Check out these 2 pictures..

This was a conversation between me and Bawawa sometime ago.
See how ghee she is. WTH BAWAWA !

And Trevis sent me and Kwf the SS work during SS today.
He tried to be funny by Ctrl C and then Ctrl V-ing the word "spam."

I've seen super long messages but THIS? Still a first time. LOL.

One last thing.
Miraculously, I made it to round 2 of the councillor election ;O
Vote for me kay ! ;D
If I ever make it to round 3 that is. LOL.

EDIT : Sudden Attack sucks. God knows what the staff did to help improve the connectivity. It was so lag that I got killed even while behind cover. Wth? ._.

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